during the final hit
Final hit of the match must from a throw
Brutal Kick
Available in all Variations
Must go 5 seconds without being hit during the final round
Final hit must come from the Concentration kombo
Leg Up
Variation 1: Balanced
Only in Balanced Variation
Must get first hit of the match
final hit must come from a Tele-Flurry
Demon Slice
Variation 2: Possessed
Only in Possessed Variation
Player must Hold
during final hit
Final hit must come from a Sickle Lift
or Sickle Strike
Instant Karma
Variation 3: Kenjutsu
Only in Kenjutsu Variation
Kenshi must connect 5 Tele-Pushes
during the match
Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent
Final hit must come from a Tele-Push
or Tele-Blast
Hidden Brutality
Variation 1: Balanced
Only available in Balanced Variation
Opponent must be Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Reptile, Kung Jin, Predator or Tremor
Final hit must come from Blade Reflecting a Brutality projectile