Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Dee Jay
Dee Jay
E. Honda
E. Honda
M. Bison
M. Bison

Move List

Common Moves
Drive Impact
Spin Raider
Costs 1 Drive Gauge stock
Drive Reversal
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Drive Parry
Drive Parry
Costs Drive Gauge
Parry Drive Rush
Costs 0.5 Drive Gauge stock
Cancel Drive Rush
Costs 3 Drive Gauge stocks
Rough Landing
Delta Throw
Leg Scissor Choke
(In air)LP+LK
Unique Attacks
Lift Uppercut
Delayed Ripper
Assault Blade
Grounded Sweep
Lift Combination
Swing Combination
Special Moves
Spiral Arrow
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+K(OnlyHKcan be held)
Cannon Spike
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Dragon Punch Right+K(OnlyHKcan be held)
Quick Spin Knuckle
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+P
Cannon Strike
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
(Up-right)Quarter Circle Left+K
Hooligan Combination
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+P(OnlyHPcan be held)
Razor's Edge Slicer
Cannon Strike
Reverse Edge
Fatal Leg Twister
Silent Step
Super Arts
Spin Drive Smasher
Costs 1 Super Art stock
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K
Killer Bee Spin
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+K
Aerial Killer Bee Spin
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
(Up-right)Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+K
Delta Red Assault
Costs 3 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+P


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Cammy guide
Basic Info: How to play Cammy
In addition to her swift movement and kicks with long reach, Cammy also excels at applying offensive pressure up close. Stop your opponent in their tracks with your quick walk speed and normal attacks, then use your arsenal of aggressive and tricky moves to close in on them.
Once you’ve made your approach, lay down an offense centered around your normal moves while mixing in throws and special moves to break through your opponent’s guard. Hooligan Combination is particularly handy for surprise attacks and forcing openings in your opponent’s defense.
Special Move: Spiral Arrow (Quarter Circle Right+K)
A spinning kick with both legs that travels low along the ground. Useful for launching surprise attacks from a distance or used out of normal moves to create combos.
This will be one of your primary tools for both approaching and combos. The strength of the button used affects its range and the speed at which it executes. Should you opt to use it as a means of closing distance, aim to connect with the very tip.
When done in combos, it will connect from swift, close-range light attacks, or from medium attacks should your target be kind enough to provide an opening.
OD Spiral Arrow will launch your target into the air when it hits, leaving them open to a follow-up. The move starts up very swiftly; make ample use of it in combos from normal attacks. And it would do you well to remember that you’ll switch places with your target should it connect. Land it after you’ve been cornered and you can turn the tables in one fell swoop.
Special Move: Cannon Spike (Dragon Punch Right+K)
From a low stance, kick upward while rising into the air. It is invincible against jumping attacks, making it useful as an anti-air attack.
This move can be used to counter targets who would jump in at you or as a follow-up attack on targets you’ve launched. It does more damage if it connects just as the move begins. As an anti-air, try to time it to hit as late as possible.
Memorizing which moves can be used to launch your target into the air is the difficult part. Once that’s done, all that’s left is to follow it up with a Cannon Spike.
An OD Cannon Spike is invincible to an opponent’s strikes, making it a handy trump card indeed. Should it connect just as you’re kicking off the ground, you’ll shoot straight through your opponent and swap places with them. If you find yourself trapped in the corner, it could be your ticket to escape.
Special Move: Quick Spin Knuckle (Quarter Circle Left+P)
Take a spinning hop forward and strike with the back of your fist. Useful for continuing your offensive pressure or as a way to slip through an opponent's guard.
This move has different purposes depending on the strength of the button used. The light version is swift, making it handy for checking your target while closing distance or in offensive sequences. The medium and heavy versions are invincible to projectiles while you’re moving, allowing you to slip right by and deliver a counterattack. Weather to use medium or heavy depends on your distance from the opponent.
Not only does it execute quickly and have invincibility to projectiles, but you can also follow up after it hits. It is stronger in all respects and highly versatile. What’s more, when used at close-range, you’ll pass straight through your target before attacking them. A truly brilliant tool for befuddling your opponent and disrupting their defenses.
Special Move: Cannon Strike (Quarter Circle Left+K during a forward jump)
A descending kick performed while airborne. Useful as a way to approach an opponent or as a means of continuing your offensive pressure.
This move boasts deadly efficiency both as a means of approach and for launching surprise attacks. The button used to perform it determines your angle of descent. Light has you drop at a steep angle, which can be used to evade an opponent’s anti-air attacks, while medium and heavy can be useful for attacking as you approach. When looking to land it on a target, always aim for their feet. That way, you’ll be able to act first even in the event it is blocked.
This will leave your target reeling for longer when it hits, making it easier to land a follow-up. Even if blocked, you’ll be able to move first so long as it didn’t hit too high up. Making an approach is fabulously easy with this move. What’s more, you can even follow up on it after landing it on an airborne target. Use a move to launch them into the air and then secure some damage with an aerial combo.
Special Move: Hooligan Combination (Quarter Circle Right+P)
Perform a spinning jump through the air in a parabolic arc. While airborne, many moves can be performed out of this one.
This move creates ways to infiltrate your target’s defenses with surprise attacks and offensive sequences at close-range. A variety of moves can be performed from it; do your utmost to make optimal choices as required by the situation at hand.
First, let’s cover Razor’s Edge Slicer (No input). This move hits low, and allows you to act first even if blocked. Make your target think you’ll approach from the air, then strike from below and continue your offense.
Next up is Cannon Strike (K), This functions similarly to its normal usage, except now it will turn itself around should you do it after leaping over your target.
There’s also Reverse Edge (Down+K), which cannot be blocked crouching. Like Razor’s Edge Slicer, it can be used to slip through an opponent’s guard, but be warned that it will not turn itself around should you leap over your target.
Then we have Fatal Leg Twister (LPLK), which is a throw used to grab standing targets. Make them think you’re aiming to land a strike, then seize them with this instead.
And finally, there’s Silent Step (P). This will make you fall straight to the ground from wherever you are. Its swift descent and quick recovery make for an excellent feint. Use it at various ranges to keep your target guessing.
Using this in Overdrive enhances all the moves that can be performed from it, increasing their damage or allowing you to follow them up with additional attacks. It will track your target and continue moving toward them until you perform a move, so you needn’t concern yourself with your distance from your opponent.
Super Art: Spin Drive Smasher (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K)
A forward-moving combination attack consisting of a Spiral Arrow followed by a Cannon Spike. It has invincibility on startup, making it useful for turning the tables.
This move is useful as a means of resisting an opponent’s offense, but also as a counter to moves with long reach, and for follow-ups in combos. It will take training to master, but in the right hands it is a devastatingly powerful tool.
Super Art: Killer Bee Spin (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+K)
Jump into the air, seize your opponent with a quick descending kick, and perform a chokehold on them. This move executes quickly, making it easy to combo into from grounded moves.
Optimal when used in combos from grounded moves as a way to secure heavy damage. However, there is one peculiarity of this move to keep in mind when using it in combos: if it connects with an airborne opponent, you can follow up on it. So, weather you’re on the ground or in the air, there’s a potential combo involving this move. You’ll want to memorize what follow-ups are possible when it connects in the air, so I suggest you train well.
Super Art: Aerial Killer Bee Spin (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+K during a forward jump)
Performed while airborne, seize your opponent with a quick descending kick and perform a chokeslam on them. Easy to combo into from aerial specials.
This is more or less the same as a grounded Killer Bee Spin, but one difference is that it can be performed following aerial special moves to create combos. You can combo into one from an Overdrive Cannon Strike, for example.
Super Art: Delta Red Assault (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+P
Send your opponent to their knees with a series of high-speed attacks and finish with a powerful kick. A highly versatile move, useful both in combos and as a way of dealing with projectiles.
This move propels you forward with incredible speed as it begins, making it a powerful tool against projectiles. Plus, its quick execution makes it ideal for working into combos. Try canceling into it from a normal special move.
Strategy: Fundamentals 1
As you're surely well aware, mobility is key to my fighting style. I approach my target with swift, surgical movements and bring them low in one fell swoop. As such, keen awareness of one's distance from their target is of utmost importance, as is knowing precisely when to strike. Let's begin with training to keep our opponent in check, as that will help us learn how to judge distances.
When keeping your opponent in check with pokes, you’ll want to primarily use long-range kicks. Standing and crouching medium kick, for instance. Crouching medium kick can also be canceled into special moves, making for a solid start to your offense. Heavy kicks are also powerful, so don’t shy away from using them either standing or crouching. The standing one has long reach, while the crouching one gets you a knock down. Though powerful, they leave you open if you miss, so do be careful. Use these kicks while swiftly moving back and forth. Do so to gauge your distance from your target while looking for your chance to strike.
Strategy: Fundamentals 2
In live combat, your opponent will also be on the lookout for opportunities to go on the offense. You must be especially cognizant of their jumping attacks. There are few fates worse than being approached and attacked all at once. However, in the vast majority of cases, your target will be leaving themselves completely defenseless once they take to the air. Let’s cover how you can counter attacks from the air and turn their blunder into your own opportunity.
Lift Uppercut (Left+MP) is quick to execute, and an optimal anti-air technique. Should your target jump in at you from a range where you would check each other with normals, this should suffice. Don’t forget to continue your offense as they land.
Assault Blade (Left+HK) may take some getting used to, but if it hits, you can follow up with an attack afterward, opening the door to significant damage. Your target will hesitate to jump if they know you can seriously hurt them should they do so.
Finally, we have your most reliable option: Cannon Spike (Dragon Punch Right+K). It is invincible to an opponent’s jumping attacks and boasts an impressive attack range. It may be difficult to perform, but every second spent learning it is worthwhile.
Strategy: Advanced 1
Once you’ve grasped basic maneuvering, the next thing you’ll want to do is approach and apply some offense. That said, your target will not simply let you run wild on them, so once you get close enough, you’ll want to step up your pressure.
To do so, make ample use of your swift light attacks. Get things going with your crouching light kick, which hits low. Then perform a sequence with some light punches, mixing in normal throws when possible. Do things of that nature to slip through your target’s defenses. You could also try canceling into a special move and continue applying pressure that way.
Keep your offense going at a fast clip; don’t give your target a moment to think. Otherwise, your opponent is bound to look for a chance to send you packing with a powerful move. Anticipate when they’ll take their shot and make them them pay for taking it. In battle, always be mindful of what your target wants to do.
Strategy: Advanced 2
Some special moves can be enhanced by holding the heavy button used to perform them as they start up, allowing you to charge them for a moment. This can be done while performing Spiral Arrow (Quarter Circle Right+K), Cannon Spike (Dragon Punch Right+K), or Hooligan Combination (Quarter Circle Right+P). This will increase the offensive potential of your combos and pressure sequences. It’d serve you well to keep that in mind.
Charging Spiral Arrow will increase its grounded combo damage. If done in a combo from a heavy attack, you’ll still be able to connect with it despite the delay created by charging it, allowing you to increase the damage earned from follow-ups.
A charged Cannon Spike can be used in combos to trade places with your target. Launch them into the air with Lift Combination or Assault Blade, then cancel it into a charged Cannon Spike to drive them into the corner.
Charged Hooligan Combination will enhance all moves that can be performed from it. This also slows its execution, though, making it easier for your opponent to counter. Best to use it to apply pressure after securing a knockdown.
Created 2025.03.07