Dee Jay
Street Fighter 6
Dee Jay
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Dee Jay
Dee Jay
E. Honda
E. Honda
M. Bison
M. Bison

Move List

Common Moves
Drive Impact
Wild Beat
Costs 1 Drive Gauge stock
Drive Reversal
Leg Scratch
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Drive Parry
Drive Parry
Costs Drive Gauge
Parry Drive Rush
Costs 0.5 Drive Gauge stock
Cancel Drive Rush
Costs 3 Drive Gauge stocks
Diss Track
Flip Throw
Unique Attacks
Knee Shot
Sunrise Heel
Face Breaker
Sliding Heel Kick
Dee Jay Special
Threebeat Combo
Funky Dance
Funky Dance Feint
Party in the Air
(In air)MP,HP
Speedy Maracas
DownDown+2x P
Special Moves
Air Slasher
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Jackknife Maximum
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Roll Through Feint
Quarter Circle Right+LK
Quick Rolling Sobat
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+MK
Double Rolling Sobat
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+HK
Machine Gun Uppercut
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+P
Jus Cool
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+K
Funky Slicer
Waning Moon
Maximum Strike
Juggling Dash
Juggling Sway
Super Arts
The Greatest Sobat
Costs 1 Super Art stock
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K
Lowkey Sunrise Festival
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+LP,LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK
Marvelous Sunrise Festival
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+MP,LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK
Headliner Sunrise Festival
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+HP,LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK
Climactic Strike
Encore Beat
Weekend Pleasure
Costs 3 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P


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Dee Jay guide
Basic Info: How to play Dee Jay
With an array of moves including projectiles, charging attacks, and anti-airs, Dee Jay is a well-rounded character who can string combos together to dictate the pace of his battles.
Dee Jay has an abundance of moves he can use to control the rhythm of battle.
And with a variety of feints at your disposal, you can adopt a style that keeps opponents unsure of what's coming next. Use feints to keep your movement unpredictable, and mix them in at close range as a way to disrupt an opponent's defense.
Jus Cool has Dee Jay hop backwards and also has a variety of moves that can be performed from it, making it effective at applying pressure, in combos, and more.
Special Move: Air Slasher (HoldLeftRight+P)
Produce a forward-moving shockwave with a high-speed uppercut. Useful for checking opponents at range.
The light, medium, and heavy versions are all different moves, my friend. Medium will throw out one shot, and heavy will give ya two!
The light one? No shot at all! That one's a feint, mon. Switchin' up ya rhythm's good for two things: keepin' ya opponent on their toes, and makin' ya look good! Heh.
This'll turn ya two shots into one bigger, more painful one.
If your opponent's way far from ya, use the one that sends two shots their way. If it hits when ya right up close to 'em, you'll get to act first, so keep ya spacin' fresh, yeah?
Special Move: Jackknife Maximum (HoldDownUp+K)
Unleash a series of kicks while jumping diagonally upwards. Useful in combos and as an anti-air attack.
If it's an anti-air ya lookin' for, the medium or heavy versions o' this are the easiest to work with. The medium one won't cut it unless ya do it real early, but if it hits, you'll be able to score a combo after. How can you say no?
The heavy one's invincible to jumpin' attacks.
The light one's like, "I'm gonna kick ya!" but then it ends up bein' a fake-out instead. You can toss out a jumpin' attack once ya in the air, so you can use it to approach, or to mix up your offensive rhythm!
This move's invincible up and down from the moment ya use it. You can whip it out against folks who are goin' all in on applyin' the pressure on ya…
But it's also real nice as a way to land a combo on an opponent ya launched into the air.
Special Move: Roll Through Feint (Quarter Circle Right+LK)
Spin forward while feinting a kicking attack. Useful for confusing opponents at close range.
This boy here's a quick feint! You can cancel into it right away from a normal move and then go for a throw, or combine it with other moves to drum yaself up a real nasty beat!
Special Move: Quick Rolling Sobat (Quarter Circle Right+MK)
Unleash a fierce spinning kick while moving forward. When used to check an opponent while vying for position, it is most effective when the tip of the foot connects with the opponent.
This move's got big reach, and doesn't leave ya too open once it's done. Use it all ya can, and try to be just barely hittin' people with the very tip of the kick! It comes out real fast, so it's good for doin' combos from light attacks.
Special Move: Double Rolling Sobat (Quarter Circle Right+HK)
Unleash two fierce spinning kicks while moving forward. Its high damage makes it a potent way to finish combos.
If this hits, you'll be able to keep the close-range attacks flowin'. It's a bit slow, so best use it from medium attacks. If blocked, you'll be open to a counterattack. If ya get hold of the blade, careful how ya draw it, I say!
There's no gettin' counterattacked if this one is blocked. Now we're talkin'! Try cancelin' this into a Super Art when ya get the chance to land a real nasty hit!
Special Move: Machine Gun Uppercut (Quarter Circle Left+P)
A series of high-speed uppercuts. Slow to execute, but does massive damage if you manage to land it.
If ya lookin' to score big damage, this move's one ya wanna work into the combos. The stronger the punch button, the slower they get, but the harder they hit too! When sorneone whiffs a big move, smack 'em upside the head with this… And take a huge chunk outta 'em, my friend!
If this connects, it'll add a finishin' blow to the end for way more damage! And ya know what? It's also easy to work into combos where you've got ya opponent in the air.
Special Move: Jus Cool (Quarter Circle Left+K)
A retreating sway that can lead into kicking attacks or forward-moving maneuvers.
The party's just gettin' started! Now we're gonna cover the moves ya can do from Jus Cool.
First up is Funky Slicer (LK). This'll let ya slip right through someone's defenses if they're stand blockin', and it also recovers nice and quick. It's funky and fresh!
Next we got the Waning Moon (MK). It's a little slow, but your opponent won't be able to block it crouchin'. And even if they do block it, ya still get to act first!
We also got Maximum Strike (HK). Smack someone with this and they'll get launched into the air. This has ya kick upward, so you can even use it as an anti-air attack if ya fast!
And finally, there's the Juggling Dash (Right+P). This one's a little different from the rest, and just has ya do a quick dash forward. But ya ain't just movin'—you're also invincible to projectiles while you're doin' it!
Mix feints and backward-movin' Juggling Sways (Left+P) into your movement repertoire to keep your body movin' and your opponent wonderin' what you'll do next!
Mix up the beat by tossin' out an uppercut before movin' into a sway. If it hits 'em, they'll get launched into the air… Lettin' ya follow up with a Maximum Strike.
And if they block it, you can try rattlin' 'em with Funky Slicer or Waning Moon. Variety is the spice of life when it comes to partyin' and offense!
Super Art: The Greatest Sobat (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K)
Remain in place and put your whole body into a single spinning kick. It executes quickly, making it useful in combos and as a counterattack.
This one's useful in all sorts of situations—it's part of what makes it the best sobat out there! As if it weren't groovin' enough, it does even more damage if it hits as a counter.
Nothin' feels better than landin' this bad boy as a Punish Counter! Try takin' it for a spin the next time ya block someone's invincible move.
Super Art: Lowkey Sunrise Festival (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+LP,LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK)
Lunge forward and perform a sequence of attacks starting with a knee strike. All attacks after the first one must be activated by pressing buttons in the correct order.
This move'll have ya pressin' the buttons to put together one o' the sickest of beats! It's totally invincible at the beginnin', makin' it a funky choice for turnin' the tables Dee Jay style, or sneakin' an attack through an opponent's projectile.
Super Art: Marvelous Sunrise Festival (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+MP,LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK)
Lunge forward and perform a sequence of attacks starting with a knee strike. All attacks after the first one must be activated by pressing buttons in the correct order.
We got a hot one on our hands! When ya dancin' to THIS beat, you're the boom selectah, and it's up to you how it ends. For the 8th hit, you can choose between heavy punch or heavy kick.
Pick heavy punch and ya get Climactic Strike (HP), which'll send ya opponent flyin' all the way to the opposite side of the stage!
Pick heavy kick and you'll get an Encore Beat (HK) that punts your opponent straight ahead. When pickin' a finisher, think about which would leave ya in the best position!
But it ain't easy keepin' up with the rhythm! Ya gotta time your attack button presses well to string it all together! Feel that rhythm down to your bones and you're lookin' at some WILD damage!
Super Art: Headliner Sunrise Festival (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+HP,LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK)
Lunge forward and perform a sequence of attacks starting with a knee strike. All attacks after the first one must be activated by pressing buttons in the correct order.
The button timin' is harder for this than it is for Marvelous, but if ya manage to get it by the end you'll get the most damage ya can. Once you've gotten used to the timin' for Marvelous, try givin' this one a shot!
Super Art: Weekend Pleasure (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P)
Launch an opponent into the air with an uppercut and then unleash a powerful high-speed barrage of fists upon them as they come back down. Extremely versatile, this move is useful both in combos and as an anti-air attack.
Simplest way to get this party started is to cancel into it from a special move. A Quick Rolling Sobat, for example.
If ya lookin' to get a crowd on their feet, you could try doin' this after feintin' with a light Air Slasher.
Strategy: Fundamentals 1
Ready to hear some truth? What's most important about battle is stayin' true to your own rhythm.
Keep that beat goin' by throwin' out moves with long reach like standin' medium kick and Quick Rolling Sobat, and keep those medium and heavy Air Slashers comin'!
Ya ever have times where ya opponent disrespects ya rhythm and tries to jump in atcha? Situations like those, all ya gotta do is knock some sense into 'em with Face Breaker (Left+HK) or Jackknife Maximum!
Strategy: Fundamentals 2
When ya got yaself a nice groove goin', it's time to close in and pick up the tempo! Make your approach by usin' crouchin' heavy kick so ya just barely connect with it. You've also got Sunrise Heel (Right+MK), which'll let ya act first even if it gets blocked. And you can use Knee Shot (Down+LK) to close the distance!
Lookin' to cash in some meter so you can make a stylish entrance? OD Double Rolling Sobat can't be counterattacked if it's blocked, or you can try goin' in with a Drive Rush followed by a crouchin' medium punch or Sunrise Heel.
Strategy: Advanced 1
When ya up close, you'll wanna keep those standing medium punches rollin', since those'll let ya act first even if they're blocked. Use it to keep ya offense nice and spicy.
You could try cancelin' standing light punch into a special move, or if they block the punch, go for the throw instead!
If ya want your offense to really pop, try throwin' out Funky Dance (MP,MP,HP) after a standin' medium punch.
Ya can stop at the second hit with the medium punch and get ya offense rollin' again, or make 'em think you'll do a heavy punch for the third hit but then whip out a Funky Dance Feint (MP,MP,Left+HP) and go for the throw instead!
Strategy: Advanced 2
If ya get the hang of usin' your feints, you'll be able to lay down all sorts of unexpected rhythms.
Let's suppose ya do a heavy attack into a light Air Slasher. That'll let ya reduce the recovery on ya heavy attack so you can get back to groovin'. Ya could even put on a show by doin' this to combo heavy moves into light ones!
There's this movement technique called the Roll Through Feint, which ya can cancel into from normal moves to approach and go for the throw…
Or make 'em think ya gonna go for the throw and do a jumping attack instead, or mix it up and follow up with normal moves! There's all sorts of fresh stuff ya can pull off with it!
When up close, try cancelin' normal moves into a light Jackknife Maximum, then go at 'em with a medium kick and keep ya rhythm goin' strong!
Created 2025.03.07